Tuesday 11 June 2013

Wake Up!

 Green Top- Sunbeam
Cross Earrings-  Jewellery Shop Opp. Afya Center
Pants-New Building on Koinange Street
Sling Bag-Bus Station
Shoes- Borrowed from My sister
Spiked Bracelet- Juvel  Collection

"In order to live your dream, you have to WAKE UP! Most people are sleep-walking through life, and never become aware of why they are here, and what they are supposed to do.

WAKE UP to your dream! Don’t just accept life as it has been given to you. Jump out of your comfort zone. Act decisively to create a life that you love and that gives you a sense of fulfillment. WAKE UP! Drink deeply from the cup of knowledge, wisdom, silence, and spirituality.

Connect to the alarm clock of life, and WAKE UP to your dream! You deserve!" ~ Les Brown

Mocha Chica!


  1. I like that! Time to wake up :) Love the earrings.

  2. Thank you girl for the support. What would I do without you....sigh!!!

  3. This look Tawtally!! rocked it!!!!
